Записи 181 - 200 из 10527

Название Автор (ы) Год издания Номер издания Издательство Место издания ISBN Количество экз. Научная Дисциплина Шифр хранения
Against Dirigisme. The Case For Unshackling Economic Markets Lal D. 1994 0 ICS Press San Francisco Б---шкаф 12, полка 3
Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance, and Takeovers Jensen M.C. 1986 0 The American Economic Review. R
Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance, and Takeovers Jensen M. 1986 0 The American Economic Review. Vol 76 N 2 (pp.323-3 Б--папка 16
Agency problems and residual claims Fama E., Lensen M. 1983 0 The Journal of Law and Economics R
Agency Problems and Residual Claims Fama E., Jensen M. 1983 0 Journal of Law & Economics. Vol. XXVI (pp. 327-349 Б--папка 15
Agency problems and the theory of the firm Fama E. 1980 0 Journal of Political Economy. R
Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm Fama E.F. 1980 0 The Journal of Political Economy. Vol.88, N 2 pp. Б---папка 20
Aging Populations and Public Pension Schemes Chand S., Jaeger A. 1996 0 IMF Washington Б---шкаф 10, полка 6
Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation 'Full text signed in Corfu on 24 June 1994 bythe Eoropean Union and the Russian Federation 0 0 Delegation of the European Commission in Moscow Moscow C.1
Agricultural co-operatives 'and emerging farm structures 'in Hungary 1994 0 OECD Working Papers Paris C.1
Agricultural Growth and Assistance to Africa. Lessons of a Quarter Century Lele U. 1990 2 ICS Press San Francisco Б---шкаф 12, полка 3
Agricultural Markets: Mechanisms, Failures and Regulations Martimort D. 1996 1 Elsevier New York 0-444-82481-2 1 Economic Б---Г07
Agricultural policies and farm structures.Agent-based modelling and application to EU-policy reform. Happe K. 2004 0 Institut fur Agrarentwicklung in Mittel - und Oste Б---З04
Agricultural Policies, Markets and Trade - Monitiring and Outlook 1993 1993 0 OECD OCDE Paris Б---И05
Agricultural Policies, Markets and Trade - Monitoring and Outlook 1993. In the Central and Eastern European Countries, the New Independent States and China 1993 0 OECD OCDE Paris Б--И05
Agricultural policies,markets and trade'Centre for co-operation with the European economies in transition'Monitoring and outlook 1993In the Central and Eastern European Countries, 'the New Independent States and China 0 0 OECD/OCDE Paris C.1
Agricultural policies,markets and trade'Centre for co-operation with the European economies in transition'Monitoring and outlook 1994'In the Central and Eastern european Countries(CEECs), 'the New Independent States (NIS),Mongolia and China 0 0 OECD/OCDE Paris C.1
Agricultural Policy And Sustainability: Case Studies from India, Edited by Paul Faeth 0 0 1993 World Resources Institute. All rights reserve Washington С.4
Agriculture and Trade in China and India Srinivasan T.N. 1994 0 ICS Press San Francisco Б---шкаф 12, полка 3
Aid and other resource flows to the central 'and eastern european countries 'and the new independent states 'of the former soviet union in 1992 and 1993 1995 0 OECD Working Papers Paris C.1