Название |
Автор (ы) |
Год издания |
Номер издания |
Издательство |
Место издания |
Количество экз. |
Научная Дисциплина |
Шифр хранения |
Against Dirigisme. The Case For Unshackling Economic Markets |
Lal D. |
1994 |
0 |
ICS Press |
San Francisco |
Б---шкаф 12, полка 3 |
Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance, and Takeovers |
Jensen M.C. |
1986 |
0 |
The American Economic Review. |
Agency Costs of Free Cash Flow, Corporate Finance, and Takeovers |
Jensen M. |
1986 |
0 |
The American Economic Review. Vol 76 N 2 (pp.323-3 |
Б--папка 16
Agency problems and residual claims |
Fama E., Lensen M. |
1983 |
0 |
The Journal of Law and Economics |
Agency Problems and Residual Claims |
Fama E., Jensen M. |
1983 |
0 |
Journal of Law & Economics. Vol. XXVI (pp. 327-349 |
Б--папка 15
Agency problems and the theory of the firm |
Fama E. |
1980 |
0 |
Journal of Political Economy. |
Agency Problems and the Theory of the Firm |
Fama E.F. |
1980 |
0 |
The Journal of Political Economy. Vol.88, N 2 pp. |
Б---папка 20
Aging Populations and Public Pension Schemes |
Chand S., Jaeger A. |
1996 |
0 |
Washington |
Б---шкаф 10, полка 6 |
Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation 'Full text signed in Corfu on 24 June 1994 bythe Eoropean Union and the Russian Federation |
0 |
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Delegation of the European Commission in Moscow |
Moscow |
Agricultural co-operatives 'and emerging farm structures 'in Hungary |
1994 |
0 |
OECD Working Papers |
Paris |
Agricultural Growth and Assistance to Africa. Lessons of a Quarter Century |
Lele U. |
1990 |
2 |
ICS Press |
San Francisco |
Б---шкаф 12, полка 3 |
Agricultural Markets: Mechanisms, Failures and Regulations |
Martimort D. |
1996 |
1 |
Elsevier |
New York |
0-444-82481-2 |
1 |
Economic |
Б---Г07 |
Agricultural policies and farm structures.Agent-based modelling and application to EU-policy reform. |
Happe K. |
2004 |
0 |
Institut fur Agrarentwicklung in Mittel - und Oste |
Agricultural Policies, Markets and Trade - Monitiring and Outlook 1993 |
1993 |
0 |
Paris |
Agricultural Policies, Markets and Trade - Monitoring and Outlook 1993. In the Central and Eastern European Countries, the New Independent States and China |
1993 |
0 |
Paris |
Agricultural policies,markets and trade'Centre for co-operation with the European economies in transition'Monitoring and outlook 1993In the Central and Eastern European Countries, 'the New Independent States and China |
0 |
0 |
Paris |
Agricultural policies,markets and trade'Centre for co-operation with the European economies in transition'Monitoring and outlook 1994'In the Central and Eastern european Countries(CEECs), 'the New Independent States (NIS),Mongolia and China |
0 |
0 |
Paris |
Agricultural Policy And Sustainability: Case Studies from India, |
Edited by Paul Faeth |
0 |
0 |
1993 World Resources Institute. All rights reserve |
Washington |
Agriculture and Trade in China and India |
Srinivasan T.N. |
1994 |
0 |
ICS Press |
San Francisco |
Б---шкаф 12, полка 3 |
Aid and other resource flows to the central 'and eastern european countries 'and the new independent states 'of the former soviet union in 1992 and 1993 |
1995 |
0 |
OECD Working Papers |
Paris |