Записи 121 - 140 из 10526

Название Автор (ы) Год издания Номер издания Издательство Место издания ISBN Количество экз. Научная Дисциплина Шифр хранения
A Preliminary Response. A Restatement of Corporate Freezeouts Brudney F., Chirelstein M.A. 1978 0 The Yale Law Journal. Vol 87, N 7 Б-папка 17
A Primer for Unit Root Testing kerry Patterson 2010 1 Palgrave Macmillan New York 978-1-403-90204-7 1 Эконометрика
A Primer on Modern Themes in Free Market Economics and Policy John M. Cobin 1999 1 Universal Publishers Florida, USA 1-58112-791-X 1 Экономика
A quick introduction to the C language Jacob Navia 2002 1 Не указано France Не указано 1 Computer Science
A Random Walk Down Wall Street B.G.Malkiel 2007 1 W.W.Norton & Company London - 1 Без категории Г08
A restatement of corporate freezouts Brudney V., Chirelstein M. 1978 0 The Yale Lam Journal R
A Retrospective on the Bretton Woods System. Lessons for international Monetary Reform. Bordo M., Eichengreen B. 1993 0 The University of Chicago Press Chicago, London G
A Russian-Slovene Conversation Gaidar Y., Sirc L. 2000 0 The Center for Research into Post-Communist Econom Great Britain Б---Б08
A Sage University Paper: Applied Logistic Regression Analysis'Scott Menard Series Editor: Michael S. Lewis-Beck, University 0 0 Sage Publications, Inc.'International Educational London,Thousand Oaks C.1
A shadow Middle Class for a Shadow Economy H. Balzer 0 0 Center for Eurasian, Rusian and East European Stud Georgetown Universit G
A Short Guide to the 'Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation Signed in Corfu on 24th June 1994 by the European Union and the Russian Federation'International Symposium,Moscow 23 Nov.1994 0 0 The present document has been prepared by the 'Dir Moscow C.1
A Short History Of the World. Краткая всемирная история. Книга первая Manfred A.Z. 1974 0 PP Moscow Б---шкаф 12, полка 3
A Streem of Windows. Unsettling Reflections on Trade, Immigration, and Democracy J. Bhagwati 1998 1 MIT Press London 0-262-02440-3 1 Без категории Б---У08
A Stronger Characterization of Declining Risk Aversion (из Econometrica - Vol.50, N 4 - July 1982) MaCHINA M. 1982 0 Б---Р07
A Study of Exchange Rate Pass-Through Effect in Russia V.Dobrynskaya (Soynova), D.Levando 2005 0 ГУ ВШЭ Москва Б---О05
A Study of the Soviet Economy, vol.1-3 IMF, EBRD 1991 0 Paris G
A Symposium Sponsored By. The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Policy Implications of trade and Currency Zones. Jackson Hole, Wyoming. August 22-24, 1991. 1991 0 Б---З07
A Tale on Information and Wage Expectations Paola M., Lupi C., Ordine P. 2001 0 ISAE Istituto di Studi e Analisi Economica Rome Б---О04
A Theory of Debt and Equity: Diversity of securities and Manager-Shareholder Congruence Dewatripont M., Tirole J. 1994 0 The Quarterly of Economics, nov.1994 Б---папка 14
A Theory of Economic Growth.Dinamics and Policy in Overlapping Generations David de la Croix Philippe Michel 2004 2 Cambridge University Press United Kingdom 0-511-02891-1 1 Экономика