Записи 241 - 260 из 10526

Название Автор (ы) Год издания Номер издания Издательство Место издания ISBN Количество экз. Научная Дисциплина Шифр хранения
Ancient China and ist Enemies, The Rise of Nomadic Power in East Asian History. Cocmo M. 0 0 Cambridge University Press. G
Ancient china and its Enemies. The Rise of Nomadic Power in East Asian History Cosmo N. 2002 0 Сambridge University Press Б---Г05
Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology M.I. Finley 1980 0 Penguin Books London G
Anglo-American Financial Systems. Instutions and Markets in the Twentieth Century. Bordo M., Sylla R. - ed. 1995 0 Stern. New York University Salomon Center. G
Annuaire Des Sources D'Information De L'Union Europeenne 1995-1996 0 0 EUROCONFIDENTIEL S.A. Genval/Belgique C.1
Annual Report IMF 1999 0 IMF Washington G
Annual Report 1997 and Outlook 1998 - 1999. 1998 0 Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Б---О09
Annual Report. 1996,97,98,99,00,01 года IMF 1996 255 IMF Б---О09
Anomalie Wzrostu Gospodarczego Gajdar J. 1997 0 CASE Warsaw Б---Б08
Anomalies Fireign Exchange. Journal of Economic Percpectives, Vol.4, N 3, sum.1990. P.p. 179-192 Froot K.A., Thaler R.H. 1990 0 Б---А05
Anticipating Balance of Payments Crises The Role of Early Warning Systems Berg A. 1999 0 IMF Washington Б---шкаф 10, полка 6
Antitakeover charter amendments and stockholder wealth DeAngelo H., Rice E. 1983 11 Journal of Financial Economics. North-Holland R
Antitakeover Charter Amendments and Stockholder Wealth DeAngelo H., Rice E.M. 1983 0 Journal of Financial Economics 11 (329-360) Б---папка 14
Apec and the construction of pacific rim regionalism John Ravenhill 2001 1 Cambridge New York, UK 0 521 66094 7 1 Без категории
Aplied Econometric Time Series Enders W. 0 Wiley 0 С
Applied Bayesian hierarchical methods Peter D. Congdon 2010 1 Chapman & Hall UK 978-1-58488-720-1 1 Статистика
Applied Computational Economics and Finance Mario J. Miranda and Paul L. Fackler 2002 1 MIT Press United States of America 0-262-13420-9 1 компьютерная экономика
Applied econometric time series Walter Enders 2010 3 Wiley University of Alabam 978-0470-50539-7 1 Эконометрика
Applied Econometrics with R Christian Kleiber, Achim Zeileis 2008 1 Springer New York 978-0-387-77316-2 1 Эконометрика Б---Д59
Applied Macroeconometrics Favero C.A. 2001 0 Oxford University Press Oxford Б---шкаф 8, полка 4