Записи 141 - 160 из 10526

Название Автор (ы) Год издания Номер издания Издательство Место издания ISBN Количество экз. Научная Дисциплина Шифр хранения
A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation Laffont J-J., Tirole J. 1993 0 The MIT Press Cambridge - Massachu Б---шкаф 8, полка 4
A Working Nation Workers, Work, and Government in the New Economy Ellwood D.T., Blank R.M., Blasi J., Kruse D., Niskanen W.A., Lynn-Dyson K. 1995 0 Russell Sage Foundation New York G
Achieving Rapid Growth in the Transition Economies of Central Europe Sachs J.D., Warner A.M. 1996 0 Cambridge Б---папка 3
Acquisition Versus Greenfield Investment:: the Location of foreign Manufacturers in Italy Basile R. 2002 0 ISAE Istituto di Studi e Analisi Economica Rome Б---О04
ACTA OECONOMICA Foldi ( ed) 1995 0 Akademiai Kiado Budapest G
ACTA OECONOMICA Torok A.-ed. 2006 0 Akademiai Kiado Budapest Б---Р06
Active investors and Management turnover following unsuccessful control contests Denis D.J., Serrano J.M. 1996 0 Journal of abyfycial Economics 40 (239-266) Б---папка 14.
Active investors and management turnover following unsuccessful control costs Denis D., Serrano J. 1996 40 Journal of Financial Economics North-Holland R
Active investors, LBOs, and the privatization of Bankruptcy Jensen M.C. 1989 0 The Continental Bank. R
Active Investors, LBOs, and the Privatization of Bankruptcy Jensen M. 1989 0 Before the House Ways and Means Committee February Б---папка 20
Actuve investors, LBOs, and the privatization of Bankruptcy Jensen M.C. 1989 0 The Continental Bank R
Acyclic Collective Choice Rules (из Econometrica Journal of the Econometric Society Vol.50, N 4 - july, 1982). Blair D., Pollak R. 1982 0 Б---Р07
Adaptive Markets. Financial Evolution at the Speed of Thought Lo A. 2017 1 Princeton University Press Princeton 978-0-691-13514-4 1 Без категории Энтов
Additional evidence on eguity ownership and corporate value McConnell J.J., Servaes H. 1990 27 Journal of Financial Economics 27 North-Holland R
Additional evidence on equity ownership and corporate value McConnell J., Servaes H. 1990 0 Journal of financial Economics 27 (1990) Б---папка 20
Adjusting to a Terms of Trade Shock: Nigeria, 1972-88 (Policymaking in the Open Economy.Dornbusch R.) Gavin M. 1993 0 EDI Series in Economic Development EDI Series i Б---А05
Adjustment and the labor Market P.R. Fallon & L.A. Riveros 1989 0 World bank G
Adopting Inflation Targeting: Practical Issues for Emerging Market Countries. Schaechter A., Stone M., Zelter M. 2000 0 IMF Washington DC Б---шкаф 10, полка 6
Advanced C# Programming Paul Kimmel 1988 1 McGraw-Hill/Osborne USA 0-07-222828-8 1 Computer Science
Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics André I. Khuri 2002 2 Wiley-Interscience 0471391042 1 Статистика