Записи 281 - 300 из 10526

Название Автор (ы) Год издания Номер издания Издательство Место издания ISBN Количество экз. Научная Дисциплина Шифр хранения
Asian Transitional Economies. Challenges and Prospects for Reform and Transformation Naya S.F. 0 0 Institute of Heast Asian Studies Singapore G
Asias Next Giant. South Korea and Industrialization. Amsden A.H. 1989 1 Oxford University Press New York , Oxford 0-19-507603-6 1 Без категории Б---Г08
Asking About Prices. A New Approach to Understanding Price Stickiness Blinder A.S., Canetti E.d., Lebow D., Rudd J. 1998 0 Russell Sade Foundation New York Б---В07
Asser Price Bubbles: Implicationsfor Monetary and Regulatory Polcies Kaufman G. 2001 0 JAL. Research in Financial Services: Priate and Pu Amsterdam - London - G
Assessing investment opportunities in economies in transition'Centre for co-operation with the European economies in transition 0 0 OECD Paris C.1
Assessment of the Economic Transition in Central and Eastern Europe. Theoretical Aspects of Transition Blanchard O. 1996 0 Cambridge Б--А05
Asset Prices and Monetary Policy Campbell J.Y. 2008 1 The University of Chicago Press Chicago 978-0-226-09211-9 1 Без категории Б---В06
Asset pricing for dynamic economies Sumru Altug, Pamela Labadie 2008 1 Cambridge University Press United Kingdom 978-0-511-42917-0 1 Экономика
Asset Princing Theory Skiadas C. 2009 Princeton University Press Princeton 0 Э
Association Internationale de Science Politique 'Les refuqies 'La theorie et la pratique des relations internationales devant 'le probleme des refuqies 0 0 Prometee Tacis'CERI,Fondation Nationale des Scienc Berlin 'Paris C.1
Asymptotic Theory for Econometricians White H. 1999 1 Academic Press San Diego,San Franci 0-12-746652-5 1 Без категории Б---Г07
August Bebel Eine Biographie 1963 0 Berlin Б---Ж09
Australia: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix Brooks R., Gruenwald P., Lee J.(all APD), Salgado R. 2000 0 IMF Staff Country Report N 00/24 Washington, D.C. Б---А02 папка 1
Auswirkungen des Transformationsprozesses auf die soziookonomischen Funktionen ukrainischer Landwirtschaftsunternehmen Biesold H. 2004 0 Institut fur Agrarentwicklung in Mittel - und Oste Б---З04
Authorrity and Academic Scibblers. The Role of Research in East Asian Policy Reform Ostry S. 1991 0 ICS Press San Francisco Б---шкаф 12, полка 3
Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity With Estimates of the Variance of United Kingdom Inflations (из Econometrica - Journal of the Econometric Society Vol.50, N 4, July, 1982) Engle R. 1982 0 Б---Р07
Autumn Report 1999. Republic of Slovenia. Analysis, Research and Development 1999 0 Institute of Macroeconomic Analysis and Developmen Б---Р08
AVRASYA Nereye Gidiyor? 2005 0 DEIK Б---И03
Azerbaijan. IMF Economic Reviews 1993 0 IMF Washington Б---Д08
AСНТАМАR 1987 0 Б-шкаф 9,полка 9