Записи 101 - 120 из 10526

Название Автор (ы) Год издания Номер издания Издательство Место издания ISBN Количество экз. Научная Дисциплина Шифр хранения
A History of Chile, 1808-2002 Collier S., Sater W. 2004 0 Cambridge University Press G
A History of Corporate Finance Baskin J.B., Miranti P.J. 1997 0 Cambridge R
A History of Corporate Governance around the World Morck R,K. 2007 0 The University of Chicago Press Chicago Э
A History of Islamic Societies. Lapidus I.M. 2002 0 Cambridge University Press 2002. G
A History of Japan, 1582-1941. Internal and External Worlds. Cullen L.M. 2003 0 Cambridge University Press G
A History of Money. From AD 800 Chown J. F. 1994 1 Routledge London, New York 0-415-10279-0 1 Без категории Б--- В08
A History of Money. From Ancient Times to the Present Day. Davies G.A. 2002 0 University of Wales Press Cardiff G
A History of Russian Economic Thought Barnett V. 2005 1 Routledge London 978-0-415-54766-6 1 История Мау
A History of Taxation and Expenditure in the Western World C. Webber & A. Wildavsky 1986 0 Simon and Schuster New York G
A History of the Eurohean Economy, 1000-2000 Grouzet F. 2001 0 University Press of Virginia Charlottesville and Б---З07
A History of the European Economy, 1000-2000 Crouzel F. 2001 0 University Press of Virginia Charlottesville and L G
A History of Twentieth-Century Russia. Service R. 1997 0 Harvard University Press G
A Model of Exchange Rate Determination under Currency Substitution and Rational Expectations Calvo G.A., Rodriguez C.A. 1977 0 (Journal of Political Economy, vol.85,N3) Columbia University Б---А05
A modern Guide to Macroeconomics. An Introduction to Comppeting Schools of Thought Snowdon B., Vane H., Wynarczyk 2001 1 Edward Elgar USA 1 85278 882 8 1 Macroeconomics Б---Г08
A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960 Friedman M., Schwartz A. 1963 1 NBER New York 0-691-00354-8 1 history Б---Г07
A New Economic History of Argentina Paolera G., Taylor A.M. 2003 0 Cambridge University Press G
A Note about the Book DeMuth Ch. 1993 0 Publisher for the American Enterprise Institute Washington, DC Б---папка 19
A panel project on purchasing power parity: Mean reversion Within and Between countries. Journal of International Economics 40 (1996) 209-224 Frankel J.A., Rose A.K. 1996 0 Elsevier Science B.V. Б---А05
A Piace Among the Nations Netanyahu 1993 0 Israel ang the World New York, London, To Б---Т08
A Practical Guide to Data Visualization Advanced Data Mining Methods and Applications Glenn J. Myatt Wayne P. Johnson 2009 1 Wiley New Jersey 978-0-470-22280-5 1 Эконометрика