Название |
Автор (ы) |
Год издания |
Номер издания |
Издательство |
Место издания |
Количество экз. |
Научная Дисциплина |
Шифр хранения |
Karl Marx. Friedrich Engels. Briefwechsel Mit Wilhelm Bracke 1869-1880 |
1963 |
0 |
Berlin |
Karol Marks Przyczynri do historii kreestii polskiej. Rekopisy z Lat 1863-1864 |
1971 |
0 |
Warszawa |
Kazakh Decree Sets Rules for Securities and Exchanges / Survey of Eastern European Law |
N/A |
0 |
0 |
Kazakhstan: to what Extent is Secured Lending Possible? |
1996 |
0 |
Survey of East European Law |
Б---папка 19
Kazakhstan: To What Extent is Secured Lending Possible? / Survey of Eastern European Law |
N/A |
0 |
0 |
Keeping Better Company |
Jonatan Charkham |
2005 |
0 |
Oxford |
New York |
Korea Focus. Vol. 11, N 2 mar-ahr 2003. |
2003 |
0 |
Korez Foundation |
Kuwait: From Reconctruction to Assumulation for Future Generations |
Chalk N.A., Fennell S.J. |
1997 |
0 |
Washington |
Б---шкаф 10, полка 6 |
L'Index des Notes Bleues de Bercy |
0 |
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Ministere de L'economie ministere du budget |
France |
La Fin Des Systemes Socialistes. Crise, reforme et transformation |
Chavance B. |
1994 |
0 |
L"Harmattan |
Paris |
Б---шкаф 12, полка 3 |
La Socialisation PolitiqueL'Entreprise Dans Les Pays Du Groupe De Visegrad |
Annick Percheron, |
0 |
0 |
Armand Colin Editeur |
Paris |
La Transition Post-CollectivisteMutations agraires en Europe centrale Health policy studies |
Marie-Claude Maurel |
0 |
0 |
L'Harmattan,Collection "Pays de l'Est" |
Paris |
La TVA Invention Francaise Revolution Mondiale. L Aventure de Maurice Laure |
Brunel D. |
2012 |
1 |
Paris |
978-2-212-55299-7 |
0 |
Без категории |
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Labour Markets and Wages Policies During Economic Transition |
J.Rostowski |
1994 |
0 |
Warsaw |
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Large Sample Properties of Generalized Method of Momenis Estimators (из Econometrica Vol.50, N 4. Luly 1982) |
Hansen L. |
1982 |
0 |
Large shareholders and corporate control |
Shleifer A., Vishny R.W. |
1986 |
0 |
Journal of Political Economy. |
Large Shareholders and Corporate Control |
Shleifer A., Vishny R. |
1986 |
0 |
The Journal of Political Economy. Vol 94 N 3 (1986 |
Б---папка 19
Large shareholders, Monitoring, and the value of the Firm |
Burkart M., Gromb D., Panunzi F. |
1997 |
0 |
Quarerly Journal of Economics |
Large Shareholders, Monitoring, and the Value of the Firm |
Bukkart M., GrombD., Panunzi F. |
1997 |
0 |
The Quarterly Journal of Economics. Vol CXII, N 3, |
Б---папка 14
Latvia. IMF Econ.Reviews |
1994 |
0 |
Washington |
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