Название |
Автор (ы) |
Год издания |
Номер издания |
Издательство |
Место издания |
Количество экз. |
Научная Дисциплина |
Шифр хранения |
European Business Systems Firms and Markets in their National Contexts |
Richard Whitley |
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SAGE Publications Ltd |
London |
European Economy |
European Commission |
1995 |
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Directorate - General for Economic and Financial A |
Paris |
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Evaluating Public Spending. A Framework for Public Expenditure Reviews |
Pradhan S. |
1996 |
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World Bank Discussion Papers 323. |
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Kadochnikov P., Lugovoi O., Sinelnikov S., Trunin I. |
2001 |
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Moscow |
5-93255-051-1 |
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Без категории |
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Evolution of Commercial Banking in Russia and Implication for Corporate Governance |
Belyanona E., Rozinsky I. |
1994 |
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Economic Development Istitute of The World Bank 19 |
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Evolution of business-state interaction in Russia: from state capture to business caprure? |
Yakovlev A.A. |
2005 |
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Москва |
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Evolution of corporate control models in the Russian companies: new trends and factors |
Dolgopyatova T. |
2005 |
0 |
Москва |
Б---О05 |
Evolution of the Federal Centrr-Northern regions financial relatioship and its consequences for "organized" Migration out of the North |
Chizhelikova T., Izriadnova O., Kadochnikov P. и др. |
2001 |
1 |
Moscow |
5-93255-053-8 |
1 |
Без категории |
Б---Б06 |
Evolution of the World Economy, Precious Mwtals and India. |
McGuire J., Bertola P., Reeves P. |
2001 |
0 |
Oxford University Press. |
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Evolution und Revolution in der Weltgeschichte 1 |
Bartel H., Helmert H., Kuttler W. |
1976 |
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Akademie-Verlag |
Berlin |
EX LIBRIS. Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels |
Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels |
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Berlin |
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Джон Уокенбах |
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Диалектика |
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Computer Science |
Excel 2007 for Project Managers |
Kim Heldman William Heldman |
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Wiley Publishing, Inc. |
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978-0-470-04717-9 |
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Computer Science |
Excel единый справочник |
Шитов В.Н. |
2005 |
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ГроссМедиа |
Москва |
5-476-00111-5 |
1 |
Computer Science |
Excel: Сборник примеров и задач |
Лавренов С. М. |
2003 |
1 |
Финансы и стати- стика |
Москва |
5-279-02130-Х |
1 |
Computer Science |
Exceptions Are the Rule. An Inguiry into Methods in the Social Sciences |
Levine J.H. |
1993 |
0 |
Westview Press |
Boulder. San Frannci |
Б---шкаф 12, полка 3 |
Exchande Rates and Economic Fundamentals A Framework for Anallysis |
Clark P., Bartolini L. |
1994 |
0 |
Washington DC |
Б---шкаф 10, полка 6 |
Exchange Rate Arrangements and Currency Convertibility Developments and Issues |
World Econom.and Financial Surveys |
1999 |
0 |
Washington |
Б---шкаф 10, полка 5 |
Exchange Rate Assessment. Extensions of the Macroeconomic Balance Approach |
Isard P., Faruqee H. |
1998 |
0 |
Washington |
Б---шкаф 10, полка 6 |